


Ever Ever After (Music series 3rd)

HOME MADE家族っていいよね^^ さて、何の曲でしょう? The place that I met you for the first time was, yup, the classroom which was murmur after scl. The gurl who stopped my sight and was in next class looked sorta pure pupil and that took …

That ones realise one's DREAM #魔女マジョ2018

きっと、、色んな人がSNSで#魔女マジョ2018の感想は書いていると思うので、 別の観点で書いてみようかと思います。 だいぶ恥ずかしいことを書くので、興味があれば話半分に読んで下さい笑 今日は僕の好きな「ミュージカル」というジャンルで頑張っている友人…

Infatuation and Dilemma

DJ is sorta nice hobby cuz, as I posted before, lyrics directly always express one's feeling, although Japanese mindset doesn't have that quality cuz it is normally supposed to be worse over 1000 years. As always as usual, grammar is whate…

I'm limited.

Also for writing practice of long letters, not focusing on grammar. I'm totally limited.It might be looked wired cuz you know who I am, but seriously I’m serious.How can you fix you in case some trouble make you too emotional?When like thi…